
Showing posts with the label umrahpackages

Umrah- Its benefits and procedure

Umrah- Definition and Meaning Umrah is a beautiful spiritual journey taken by every single Muslim to acknowledge Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala – Glory to him, the exalted) as the harbinger of peace and to come in close contact with him to remove the impurities within. Any pilgrim who proceeds on the journey of Umrah, goes along the path to purifying their soul, heart, mind and body from the sins committed in the past. And the person who maintains this purity even after returning from Umrah will be distinguished from others on Resurrection day. Umrah, which is known as the “smaller” pilgrimage, might be performed by several million pilgrims each year, most probably due to it being cheaper and quicker to complete. umrah is almost a spiritual “quick-fix” and can be completed in under two hours, depending on how busy it is.Millions of Muslims travel to Mecca from across the globe to perform Umrah, an act of worship and devotion. Umrah offers an opportunity for Muslims to refresh their fai...